Carson City
Carson City Airport is used regularly by private and air taxi operators and is an important hub for business.
Board of Supervisors-Resolutions
2020-R-1 Provides for transfer of 2020 private activity bond volume cap for improvements to Parkway Plaza Apartments; and acknowledging application for use of "home" funds and property tax exemption
2020-R-2 Resolution to augment and amend the 2019-20 budget
2020-RA-R-1 Resolution to augment and amend the 2019-20 budget of Redevelopment Authority
2020-R-3 Declaring a moratorium on the acceptance and processing of planning applications for hemp cultivation or hemp product manufacturing
2020-R-4 Declaring Halloween activities be held on Friday, October 30, 2020
2020-RA-R-2 Adoption of Carson City Redevelopment Sidewalk Improvement and Utility Extension Assistance Program for Redevelopment Areas 1 & 2
2020-R-5 Authorizing expenditure for design of event shade structures at multiple locations
2020-R-6 Declaring the existence of an emergency; regarding COVID-19
2020-R-7 Reporting City Engineer's estimated Assessment Roll for fiscal year 2021
2020-R-8 Expanding Historic District to include property located on North Curry Street
2020-R-9 Authorizing medium-term obligations to finance cost of refunding certain outstanding obligations of the city
2020-R-10 Authorizing the disbursement of community support services grant funds to non-profit organizations for FY 2021
2020-R-11 Issuance of lease revenue refunding bonds to finance construction costs for Tahoe Regional Planning Agency office building
2020-R-12 Setting the tax rate for county Cooperative Extension for FY 2021
2020-R-13 Confirming Downtown NID assessment and ratifying the City Engineer's Assessment Roll for FY 2021 for maintenance of Downtown Streetscape Enhancement Project
2020-R-14 Designating those highways or portions of highways as school zones
2020-R-15 Authorizing expenditure to support various arts and culture special events
2020-R-16 Resolution to augment and amend the 2019-20 budget
2020-R-17 For interfund loans from the Regional Transportation Fund to Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Fund and from the General Fund to the Transit Fund
2020-R-18 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2021 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support various events, incentives, and capital improvement projects
2020-R-19 Resolution to levy the FY 2020-21 ad valorem tax rates
2020-R-20 Amending the maximum number of residential building permit allocations and establishing a maximum average daily water usage for commercial and industrial building permits
2020-R-21 For interfund loan from the General Fund to the Grant Fund
2020-R-22 Authorizing expenditure for the design and construction of 3rd Street Parking Lot Rehabilitation Project
2020-R-23 Adopting policies for the coordination and communication of legislative matters during Regular and Special Sessions of the Nevada Legislature
2020-R-2 Resolution to augment and amend the 2019-20 budget
2020-RA-R-1 Resolution to augment and amend the 2019-20 budget of Redevelopment Authority
2020-R-3 Declaring a moratorium on the acceptance and processing of planning applications for hemp cultivation or hemp product manufacturing
2020-R-4 Declaring Halloween activities be held on Friday, October 30, 2020
2020-RA-R-2 Adoption of Carson City Redevelopment Sidewalk Improvement and Utility Extension Assistance Program for Redevelopment Areas 1 & 2
2020-R-5 Authorizing expenditure for design of event shade structures at multiple locations
2020-R-6 Declaring the existence of an emergency; regarding COVID-19
2020-R-7 Reporting City Engineer's estimated Assessment Roll for fiscal year 2021
2020-R-8 Expanding Historic District to include property located on North Curry Street
2020-R-9 Authorizing medium-term obligations to finance cost of refunding certain outstanding obligations of the city
2020-R-10 Authorizing the disbursement of community support services grant funds to non-profit organizations for FY 2021
2020-R-11 Issuance of lease revenue refunding bonds to finance construction costs for Tahoe Regional Planning Agency office building
2020-R-12 Setting the tax rate for county Cooperative Extension for FY 2021
2020-R-13 Confirming Downtown NID assessment and ratifying the City Engineer's Assessment Roll for FY 2021 for maintenance of Downtown Streetscape Enhancement Project
2020-R-14 Designating those highways or portions of highways as school zones
2020-R-15 Authorizing expenditure to support various arts and culture special events
2020-R-16 Resolution to augment and amend the 2019-20 budget
2020-R-17 For interfund loans from the Regional Transportation Fund to Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Fund and from the General Fund to the Transit Fund
2020-R-18 Authorizing expenditure from FY 2021 Redevelopment Revolving Fund to support various events, incentives, and capital improvement projects
2020-R-19 Resolution to levy the FY 2020-21 ad valorem tax rates
2020-R-20 Amending the maximum number of residential building permit allocations and establishing a maximum average daily water usage for commercial and industrial building permits
2020-R-21 For interfund loan from the General Fund to the Grant Fund
2020-R-22 Authorizing expenditure for the design and construction of 3rd Street Parking Lot Rehabilitation Project
2020-R-23 Adopting policies for the coordination and communication of legislative matters during Regular and Special Sessions of the Nevada Legislature